École des Bio-Industries

to study

Introduction to the Grande École Engineering Program

EBI trains biology project manager-engineers who combine autonomy, adaptability and creativity. Focused on the student, the Grande École program is unique and can be customized to suit the student’s entrepreneurial, international, associative and professional needs.

An à la carte course

Built over 5 years – 2 years in the preparatory cycle and 3 years in engineering cycle – the program consists of lectures, tutorials and practical work in our state-of-the-art laboratories.
During the engineering cycle, each student chooses freely and without quota one of the 5 specialisation paths called “MAJORS“. He completes his choice with 4 to 10 minors to personalize his course.
The 5th year can be completed under a professionalization contract. Internships are added to international experience and associative responsibilities.
Each EBIste thus builds a unique and versatile profile, and immediately adapts to the business world.

No ranking, no quota

An organization with clear benchmarks

Each separate validation of the courses allows the capitalisation of ECTS credits. A full year represents 60 ECTS. The courses take place over 17 weeks according to the following schedule

  • Fundamentals: courses, TD
  • Practical: practical work, individual or team projects
  • Learning: personal work, exercises, projects, reading…

The training is completed by languages, sports and open education.


Career management throughout your career

As early as the 2nd year of the integrated preparatory biology course, the choice of career is discussed. Visits to industrial sites or laboratories, internships, exchanges with tutors, meetings with our alumni, afterworks, the EBIconnect career forum and the Linkedin network give you a very precise idea of your future career. In the 4th year of the Biology Engineering Program, the Career Management course finalizes the choice of the specialization major.


Integrated preparatory cycle

Accessible directly after the Bac, EBI’s preparatory engineering cycle aims to help students acquire autonomy and learn the fundamentals. Here, students take their first steps into higher education, acquiring a working method that will serve them throughout their studies, and even beyond into their future professional careers.
This preparatory course provides all the foundations needed to enter the engineering cycle without a competitive examination.

+ Find out more about EBI’s integrated preparatory cycle