École des Bio-Industries


High school specialities

You’ll be faced with an important choice in preparing for your higher education: choosing your specialty courses (EDS).

Your choice must make sense in terms of your intended course of study and correspond to your career plan.. Think about the prerequisites for post-baccalaureate courses that correspond to the job(s) you want to do later on, before basing your choice on your grades and your taste for the subject.

Anticipate the requirements of the courses you’re planning for your higher education! Make the right choice!

What combinations of scientific specialties are needed to become an EBIste?

>> Tenth grade students, you choose 3 specialties to study in Première.

>> Eleventh grade students choose 2 specialties from those already selected (plus an additional option if required).

For the Eleventh grade
For the Eleventh grade

To help you prepare for your application to EBI, the scientific specialties to choose from in Eleventh grade are:
>> Mathematics + Biology + Physics-Chemistry

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For Twelfth grade 2 sciences
For Twelfth grade 2 sciences

To have every chance of getting into EBI, the scientific specialties to be chosen in Terminales are:
>> Mathematics + Life and Earth Sciences
>> Mathematics + Physics-Chemistry
>> SVT + Physics-Chemistry + Complementary Mathematics

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For Twelfth grade 1 science
For Twelfth grade 1 science

It's possible to enter the EBI with just one scientific specialization.
>> Life and Earth Sciences + Other + Complementary mathematics
>> Physics-Chemistry + Other + Complementary mathematics

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