École des Bio-Industries


Research Days

For almost 30 years, EBI has been innovating in biology education and training, as well as in its scientific approach to all areas of industrial biology. Every year, EBI organizes “Research Days”, a series of special meetings with its partners focusing on research and development.

Scientific meetings

Discover our events dedicated to science, adapted to different audiences: schoolchildren, high school students, EBIsts, industrial and academic partners.

logo research days ebi

#1 Engineering Students' Day

An annual scientific and technical event, the Journée des Elèves Ingénieurs showcases the research and innovation work of students, professors and PhD students from the EBInnov® laboratory, and their industrial and academic partners. The setting is conducive to scientific exchange and the emergence of new solutions to accelerate innovation.

Next edition on January 24, 2025 on our Cergy campus

#2 Fête de la Science

A key event for sharing scientific knowledge, EBI celebrates the Fête de la Science every year in October by welcoming partner schools and high school students. Campus laboratories open up to youngsters, inspiring them to become researchers.

On October 07, 08 and 11, EBI will be offering workshops linked to the national “Ocean of Knowledge” theme and the topic of “Water and algae”.

#3 Thematic conferences

Day-long conferences organized by EBI’s research professors in conjunction with our industrial and academic partners address topical issues.

June 2023 saw the launch of the “one health” initiative.