École des Bio-Industries


Paying the apprenticeship tax

Your support for our School of Industrial Biology is invaluable. With your payment, you actively contribute to the quality of education and to the professional success of EBIsts.

For which actions?

EBI innovates and undertakes to prepare its future engineering graduates and bachelors for today’s challenges. Our school anchors its participative governance based on collective and societal intelligence and develops its expertise with its partners: scientific and educational collaborations, technological platforms and creative spaces, parity and diversity, work-study programs, entrepreneurship and innovation.


Did you know that?

The SOLTéA web platform is now the only way to distribute the balance of the taxe d’apprentissage: no more direct payments from employers to recipient establishments are allowed. In 2023, employers will be able to access their connected portal from the end of May 2023 to make their arrowing choices until the beginning of September.


In practice

It is very simple! To support EBI from the end of May 2023, all you have to do is go to SOLTéA and use the search engine to identify our school, indicating either: Ecole de Biologie Industrielle, or our UAI code 0951820M, or our Siret 388 591 638 00035. This search will take you to the EBI description sheet.

Soltéa FAQ for employers
