École des Bio-Industries

be accompanied

Support for mobility

Each student on the Biology Engineering Course has a minimum of 3 months international experience: 2 months of internship and 1 month of discovery stay in a country. 1 or 2 semesters of study in one of our partner universities can complete this experience. A gap year is also possible.

Efficient and personalized support

  • Tutor teachers
    These teachers are in charge of supervising students throughout their departure project.

  • International Service
    International Service: It assists each student in the preparation of his or her mobility (information meetings, dedicated space on the intranet, etc.).

  • Return of experience
    International pupils and students tell their stories of their adventures.

  • Language support
    In addition to English courses, Centre Babel offers a wide range of languages (German, Arabic, Chinese, Spanish, Italian, Japanese, Portuguese).

Funding, scholarships and housing assistance

Tuition fees abroad are free for partner universities and require a financial supplement for other universities.
Grant applications can be made to reduce project costs:

  • Erasmus+ grant
  • BIT Social Fund
  • Assistance from town halls or general councils

The Erasmus network has set up the erasmusplay platform to help students integrate and find accommodation more easily.


When to leave?

  • Staying abroad
    1st year (June – August)
    Parallel Admission in 4th year (June – August)
  • International internship 3rd year (June to August)

  • Academic Exchange
    3rd year (Semester 5 and/or Semester 6)
    Year 5 (Semester 9)
  • In the case of a
    Double Degree
    an extension of the study period could be requested