École des Bio-Industries


Badge admissions

The B.A.D.G.E. “Agri-food Quality & Safety Auditor” from our school of biology is open to people with a Bac+2 diploma in Biology or Biochemistry or Bioanalysis and Agri-food Quality Control OR the baccalaureate or a level IV diploma and proof of at least 3 years’ significant professional experience directly related to the title of the training. Students apply for the offer, fill out an application and pass an interview before an admission panel.

Recruitment level

The following degrees are eligible to apply for our BADGE:

  • Bac+2 in Biology
  • Bac+2 in Biochemistry
  • Bac+2 in Bioanalysis and Food Quality Control
  • Baccalaureate or equivalent (level IV) with at least 3 years of significant professional experience directly related to the course title

Admissions Calendar

  • 1st session: mid-April 2024
  • 2nd session: mid-May 2024

>>> Registration opens mid-January 2024

Cost of training

Application fee: €140

Educational cost: 7500€.
(100% financed by our partner Mérieux Nutrisciences)